our skylight screens protect your skylights from egg sized hail
our skylight covers protect your skylights from baseball size hail

On August 7, 2018 a record making hail storm hit Colorado Springs, CO. On August 14, 2018 scientists, insurance providers, and hail experts from around the country met at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, CO. They discussed evolving weather patterns and how to better protect society at the North American Workshop on Hail and Hailstorms. They predict the storms will only get worse.

We've been called skylight screens, skylight covers, skylight shields, skylight protection and skylight guards. No matter what...

Hippo® Skylight Guards are the original, the first, the best, and we have you covered!

Hippo® Skylight Guards are "OVERLY PROTECTIVE!"

Installation & Test of overly protective skylight shields